A naturally occurring compound derived from the Mints, Menthol crystals are a fascinating. in their pure form they are slightly oily, intensely powerful and brittle crystals. Their usefulness in medicine and cosmetic preparations is well known. They can be used as a decongestive agent in inhalants for respiratory conditions, or in liniments to cool inflammatory conditions, such as painful muscles and joints. They can also help to clear headaches, or alleviate the sensation of brain fog. They make a good insect repellent, as well as a cooling lotion for insect bites. As they are so potent only a tiny amount is needed. Use gloves when handling them as, similarly to chilli powder, the oily crystals are so penetrating that the scent and cooling sensation is hard to wash off. Can be used in room cleansing spritzers, purification and cleansing incenses (homoeopathic amounts!) or in cooling cosmetics, such as cold creams. Menthol crystals not only clear the air, but also the mind. They aid mental concentration.