Legend tells that upon setting eyes on Glastonbury, Joseph of Arimathea struck his staff into the ground on Wearyall Hill, whereupon it instantly took root and developed into a fully fledged thorn tree, branches, leaves, flowers and all. To this day, the descendants of the original Holy Thorn flower twice a year in Avalon, once in May and once at Christmas time. The Holy Thorn symbolises the vibrant life-force and spiritual power that pulsates within this hallowed earth. Holy Thorn Space Aroma contains a special infusion prepared with parts of this legendary tree. It can be used to attune to the power of fertility and regeneration.
Magical Infusions
Jupiter ~ Wisdom, prosperity, spirituality, faith, hope, personal growth, protection, healing, guidance. Moon ~ Psychic sensitivity, self-reflection, fertility astral travel, visualisation, dream-work.
Moon ~ Psychic sensitivity, self-reflection, fertility astral travel, visualisation, dream-work.