Echinacea angustifolia
The purple cone flower is a beautiful member of the Aster family and extremely popular with bees and butterflies. Its Latin name derives from the Greek word for hedgehog, a reference to its bristly cone. Echinacea is at home in the American plains, and was regarded as a panacea by the Plains Indians. Indeed, the long list of conditions it was used for can seem confusing, until one understands the mode of operation of this very safe herb. Echinacea is an immune stimulating and alterative remedy, which works best in combination with various systemic remedies to treat infection and inflammation, wherever it occurs in the body. Its modern fame and universal use in western herbalism can be attributed to the Eclectics, a school of herbal medicine that was popular in the United States in the 19th and early 20th century.
There is almost no conditions for which Echinacea can not be used as an alterative and immuno-stimulant But, it works best in combination with other, systemic plant remedies that are specific for one or the other bodily system, e.g. with herbs for the respiratory system to treat upper respiratory infections, or herbs for the urinary system to treat cystitis and similar conditions. Echinacea has proven most effective when taken in regular, frequent, but small doses right at the the onset of infection. In this case is not always 'better'.
Echinacea enhances the body's resistance to invasive entities. Thus, it can be worn as an amulet to boost inner strength and resilience. An American flower essence made from this plant helps victims of PTS to restore their sense of wholeness and identity if the sense of self is threatened by disintegration after a physically or psychologically traumatic episode, abuse or a violation of personal boundaries has taken place.
Black Sampson, Black Samson, Purple Coneflower.
Not all herbs are suitable in pregnancy, breastfeeding or for young children, or if you are unwell, or taking any medication. If in doubt, please ask a medical herbalist or healthcare practitioner.