ELDER ~ Ruis
25th November ~ 22nd December
A familiar and well-loved hedgerow plant, Elder grows abundantly throughout the British Isles. Sacred to the White Goddess, folklore still knows this bush as a 'Tree of Witches' that is linked to the fairy realm. It is often planted near house and garden, perhaps to acknowledge the fairy queen and to benefit from her protection against evil spirits. Yet, to bring fresh sprigs into the house, or Goddess forbid, to burn any of her wood, is considered very unlucky and will surely unleash the Goddess' wrath.
Elder is a great healing plant, which has earned it the reputation of being 'the medicine chest of the country people'. Her flowers have a strong narcotic scent and the uncooked berries are said to be slightly poisonous. Both can be fermented into powerful wines that may be used in rituals of initiation into the mysteries of the Goddess.
In the Celtic Tree Calendar, Elder signifies the 13th month. It stands for the time of trial and transformation preceding the Sun's rebirth, before it emerges renewed and triumphantly from the Underworld.
Wear Elder Tree Wisdom Perfume to attune to the sacred union between solar and lunar powers and to affirm the regeneration of the creative spirit within.