A vegetable derived liquid, which has the ability to attract and retain water, a property referred to as 'humectant'. It is a common ingredient in clear soaps and lotions as it not only helps to bind liquids, but also acts as a preservative. Glycerine also has emollient properties, making it particularly useful as an ingredient for moisturisers, lotions and moisturising soaps.
Star Child offers an extensive range of base products for the creative kitchen alchemist, who likes to make her own potions and lotions from scratch. We carry pure vegetable oils, infused oils, vegetable 'butters', waxes, flower waters and clays, as well as a wide range of essential oils - all you need to make your own range of natural cosmetics. Making your own cosmetics, lotions and creams is not just great fun, but also allows you to choose exactly what you want to put on your skin. Thus you can leave out the preservatives, which are a standard addition to all ready-made cosmetics. Keep in mind though, that preparations without preservatives won't keep as long. For best results make small batches, use darkened bottles and store them in a cool, dark place.