Eucalyptus citriodora
Lemon-scented Eucalyptus shares many of the properties of regular Eucalyptus, but it has a bonus: its delightful lemony aroma. The beautiful tall trees with their sickle moon shaped leaves exude a divine scent. They have become popular decorative garden trees in Britain, though the sun rarely gets hot enough to diffuse their divine aroma. Lemon-scented Eucalyptus is particularly effective against staphylococcus aureus. It also has remarkable anti-fungal properties and clears the musty odour of damp places. It imparts a great aroma to the linen cupboard and is more effective as an insect repellent than regular eucalyptus - it even wards off cockroaches and silverfish.
Lemon-scented Eucalyptus has great fungicidal properties that are effective for treating athlete's foot and other fungal infections. It has been used for herpes and shingles as well as chickenpox and other infectious diseases. Like regular Eucalyptus, it is also very helpful for conditions of the upper respiratory tract, such as asthma, laryngitis and sore throat as well as for symptoms of colds and feverish conditions.
Like regular Eucalyptus, Lemon-scented Eucalyptus can be used for purification and protection, to get rid of negative energies and for healing rites. It is invokes the spirit of youthfulness and may be used when embarking on new ventures or adventure.
A fresh, lemony, camphor-like scent with balsamic undertones. Blends well with Lemon, Tea Tree, Lavender and Basil.
Lemonscented gum, Spotted gum and Lemon eucalyptus, Citron scented gum, Citron-scented gum, Lemon gum, Lemon scented gum.
Country of origin