Daucus carota
The common carrot is well known as one of the most nutrient rich vegetables, rich in vitamin A and full of health promoting, rejuvenating properties. However, the essential oil derives from the seeds of its wild ancestor, also known as Queen Anne's Lace, which grows prolifically in hedges and fields. The tiny seeds are packed with nutrients, but unfortunately they don't yield a lot of oil, which renders it a precious substance. Due to its wholesome effects on the skin carrot seed oil has long been added to high end cosmetic products, especially for aging skin. The cosmetic industry also utilizes an infused carrot oil as a base oil, which has similar properties, but no marked scent. A solvent extracted oleoresin is also available. Distilled carrot seed oil is pale yellow and aromatic while the infused oil is orange.
Carrot seed oil is mostly used in aromatherapy skin care. It is very nutritious and lends itself perfectly to all kinds of lotions and moisturising creams, especially those intended for very sensitive tissue around the eyes and for mature skin. It has a revitalising effect on tired skin and restores to it some degree of elasticity. It also has a healing effect on dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis. Carrot seed oil is used to reduce oedema and can help release toxins from the body. It can thus be used as a supportive oil in chronic conditions such as arthritis and gout. It is also said to support liver and kidney function. It may be used for menstrual problems and PMT.
Carrots have been praised as an aphrodisiac food since ancient times. Some attribute this mostly to the suggestive shape of the root, but others believe that there is more too it. All parts of the plant have been used for magical purposes. Carrot seed oil can be used in money magic and healing rituals. It may assist the practitioner in letting go of 'old stuff' that is blocking his/her flow and prevents him/her from moving on. It can be regarded as a spiritual decongestant.
Carrot seed essential oil has an earthy, warm, slightly spicy and woodsy aroma. It blends well with Neroli, Geranium, Orange, Rosemary, Mimosa, Helichrysum and Fennel.
Country of origin