Dipterocarpus turbinatus
Gurjun is a tall, handsome tree native to South-East Asia. Its creamy-white flowers turn into showy magenta-winged seed capsules. As an evergreen deciduous tree, it grows in both evergreen and mixed dry tropical forests. But deforestation threatens its natural habitat. The saplings are sensitive to direct light and depend on the protective shade of other, taller trees. They need a closed canopy to reach a more robust stage. Gurjun trees produce a fragrant resin, the source of the essential oil. Harvesters cut a hole near the base of the trunk where the sticky resin collects. The essential oil is produced by steam distillation.
In South-East Asia, the resin is mixed with other ingredients to caulk boats and to manufacture torches. Industry uses it as an ingredient in paints, varnish and lithographic ink. Traditional medicine systems of South-East Asia use the bark, fruit and oil to treat conditions ranging from respiratory congestion to inflammatory skin conditions. Ayurvedic medicine assigns it the qualities of bitter and hot and uses it to balance the Kapha and Vata Doshas. Gurjun oil is becoming popular in aromatherapy skin-care products and in perfumery.
Gurjun has an affinity with the element of Air. The oil radiates a serene calm that resonates with the base chakra. It gently encourages self-care as the pivotal point between caring interdependence and self-reliance.
Gurjun's scent is warm and woody with a hint of spiciness, but not overpowering. It provides a fixative base for anchoring more flighty fragrances. Gurjun essential oil blends well with Black Pepper, Juniper, Ginger, Patchouli, Cinnamon, Pimento, Petitgrain, Neroli, Jasmine Sambac, Ylang-Ylang, Benzoin, Labdanum, Buddha Wood, and Sandalwood.
Gurjan ka Tel., Keruing, gorjon, East-asian copaiba balsam.
Country of origin